you know up until about the age of 12, you were an angel. you'd light up a room. and then bang! overnight, you were a teenager. you ran us ragged. and it got worse. anti-this, anti-that. so certain, so bloody-minded. you couldn't leave anything alone. you terrified me! but you know what? god knows, i did admire you. i was so proud. you had convictions. well i buried mine at that camp.when i came home, all i wanted was your mother, a steady job, children and nothing to do with the evil i saw at that camp.but here you are, having to deal with it again. but you will. you will. you know what's right and you'll do it
这是一部男权电影,剧情也简单,结局还很奇怪。但作为舞台歌舞剧改编也能看下去,150分钟也是歌舞剧长度,少妇被大黑捧猛烈进出动态图虽然摄影很一般了。还有就是Marlon Brando还可以再帅一点吗!但是这片不喜欢给正面镜头。Jean Simmons原来是The Great Expectation的女主角,怪不得眼熟啊。